Careers at Pioneer
At Pioneer Secondary Academy we aim to support our students and to equip them with the knowledge, skills and confidence to plan and manage their individual pathways through learning and work on a lifelong basis. We are committed to ensuring all students have access to impartial careers advice. In school, through careers education, across all curricular and extra-curricular activities, and with support and independent advice and guidance we will encourage them to make the most of their talents and follow an appropriate career path.
At Pioneer Secondary Academy the Board of Trustees and staff are committed to ensuring all students from Year 7 – 13 have access to impartial careers advice. Our mission is to promote education so that our students can make a difference in our society. In careers education, we believe that students who make the right careers choices will be able to empower themselves to succeed and shape our collective future.
We are committed to provide and promote the benefits of all pathways to all school
stakeholders to include parents/guardians, students, teachers and governors, ensuring that they have access to information about all the opportunities that are out there. These are promoted through our school website, careers library, open evenings, options evenings, provider visits, teacher training, careers & higher education fairs, invites to awareness sessions, destination of leavers etc. We pay regard to relevant guidance from the DfE, Ofsted and other agencies on improving outcomes for young people.
CAREERS LEAD: Ms Sabina Lallian