Chair of Trustees
Gurminder Singh Athwal
Gurminder Singh Athwal has worked with several schools/colleges across the UK to integrate smart technology and customized software solutions for the classroom. Gurminder also has 20 years+ experience working with local community groups and NGOs holding leadership positions across strategy, operations and financial governance. He is passionate about providing opportunities for young people to achieve their full potential and the promotion of technology within schools to enhance the learning experience.
Sikh Academies Trust
Wexham Road
Telephone for Trust Head Office: 01753 823501
The role of our Local Advisory Board (LAB) is to:
- implement and administer the Trust’s policies at local level and report to the Board of Trustees
- monitor and be accountable for the performance and standards of the school
- support and challenge the Headteacher and Senior Leadership Team to deliver a high quality educational provision, which prepares our students well for their future regardless of the path they choose
- consider budget monitoring information and proposals
- represent the views of the community
LAB member name Date of appointment Specific area of support Tajinder Matharu (Chair of the Local Advisory Board)
t.matharu@sikhacademiestrust.com29 January 2023 Special Educational Needs and Educational Standards Jatinder Matharu 28 February 2024 Safeguarding Gurminder Athwal 29 January 2023 Mandeep Singh 29 January 2023 Paramjeet Kaur 29 January 2023 Safeguarding Rupinder Bajwa 29 January 2023 Pupil Premium Jasmine Shergill (Vice Chair of the Local Advisory Board)
j.shergill@sikhacademiestrust.com27 February 2023 Personal Development