School Uniform

Uniform Guide

Please note our uniform supplier is School Days Direct and you can access their website here

Items that do not require a PSA logo (i.e. trousers, shirts, shoes and socks) may be bought from any suitable retailer or can be purchased pre owned.

Suitable retailers: 

If you wish to purchase pre-owned uniform, you can do so from school.  We have items available to purchase that have been kindly donated by PSA families.  Please email to inquire about pre-owned uniform you would like to purchase from us, and we will gladly assist. 


We are deeply committed to creating an inclusive and supportive environment for our entire school community. This commitment is reflected in our approach to school uniforms, ensuring they are affordable for all families. We understand that the cost of a school uniform should not be a barrier to choosing a school. Therefore, we carefully consider the total cost of uniforms, including all necessary clothing items, for the duration of a student’s time at our school. Our policy minimises the use of branded items to make uniforms more accessible and cost-effective. In addition, we focus on providing value for money in our uniform supply, prioritising cost-effectiveness along with the quality and durability of the garments. By actively engaging with our parent and pupil community in these matters, we strive to create a warm, collaborative, and kind environment at Pioneer Secondary Academy, always welcoming feedback and ideas to better meet the needs of all our families.

PSA uniform will only need to be purchased when your child/children grow out of their current uniform or if an item has been misplaced.

To avoid families having to buy multiple items, we expect our students to be in regular full school uniform throughout the school year.  There may be particularly hot periods of the year when students may be allowed to wear their PE Kits to school, but families will be notified of this in advance.

School Uniform consists of the following:

  • Non-branded: black full-length formal trousers or black knee-length skirt.  Trousers must hang freely, cover the ankle and not be skintight
  • Non-branded: plain white shirt with collar
  • Blazer with Pioneer Secondary Academy (PSA) logo
  • Black V-neck pullover with the PSA logo (optional)
  • Tie, with PSA logo whereby the colour is according to the year group
    • Year 7 – Purple
    • Year 8 – Black
    • Year 9 – Gold
    • Year 10 – Red
    • Year 11 – Blue
  • Plain black formal leather shoes (low heeled, no boots, no markings or logos)
  • Belts must be black, leather (or leather effect) and have no obvious branding

PE Kit


  • Black School polo shirt**
  • Black School joggers, black school shorts or black school leggings**
  • Plain Black Sports socks
  • Sports Trainers

Optional purchases from the uniform supplier:

  • Black School fleece
  • Black School base layer

All items of kit on the list above marked ** can be purchased directly from the shop that sells our uniform and are all embroidered with the school’s logo.

  • Students with long hair need to bring a hair band so that hair can be tied back for PE lessons. Nails must also be cut to the natural length.
  • It is recommended that students bring a drink of water, deodorant [roll on only] and a carrier bag for wet or dirty kit after their PE lessons.
  • No jewellery is allowed to be worn for PE lessons as a matter of safety for both the wearer and other students.
  • It is recommended students have both football boots and shin guards
  1. Appearance
  • It is the responsibility of parents to ensure that students come to school in the correct uniform.
  • Students are expected to wear the uniform well for example: shirts must be tucked in; top buttons should be fastened and ties should be worn at an appropriate length.
  • Full school uniform must be worn between home and school.
  • Personal electronic devices e.g. Mobile phones, Headphones etc, should not be brought to school by students. If students do choose to bring in such items, for example because of their safety on the way to and from school, the school will not take any responsibility if such items are lost, stolen or damaged on school premises. Mobile phones should not be seen or heard on school grounds.
  • Mobile phones will be confiscated by staff and a parent will be required to collect them if they are seen or heard (collection will only be available on a Friday at 14.30).
  • For outdoor wear, denim jackets, tracksuit tops or ‘hoodies’ are not acceptable.

Students will be sanctioned for uniform breaches in line with the Behaviour Policy. 

Students in Key Stage 5 (Sixth Form)

Sixth Form students do not wear PSA uniform and the dress Code is “business attire”.

Sixth Formers are required to adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Students should be in a smart business suit (trouser or skirt suit), and wear a collared shirt or blouse.
  • A smart pullover can be worn under the blazer when it is cold. Blazers must be worn at all times.
  • Trousers should be tailored. No jeans or jeans style, no leggings or shorts.
  • Skirts worn to school must be an appropriate length for a professional working environment of knee length. No Bodycon skirts or Lycra skirts.
  • Students must wear an appropriate formal tie with a collared shirt.
  • Shoes must be suitable for a professional working environment. Trainers, plimsolls, lightweight fabric shoes or shoes with a heel higher than 1” are not acceptable.


  • Identification badges must be worn and visible at all times.
  • For outdoor wear, denim jackets, tracksuit tops or ‘hoodies’ are not acceptable.
  • Extremes of hairstyle and hair colour or facial piercings (including tongue) are not permitted.
  • Jewellery may be used to the extent that it does not detract from the dress code and the image of the school.
  • Makeup should not be worn by pupils unless they have been given specific permission by the Headteacher.  This will be due to any medical condition discussed with the parents and carers
  • If there are any requests on religious or cultural grounds to vary the dress code for an individual student, then these must be made in writing by the individual’s parents or carers to the Headteacher.
  • The Headteacher is the ultimate judge of acceptability on any of these matters and the school reserves the right to issue further guidance and clarification about the dress code if it proves necessary to do so.

Any Post 16 students who arrive at school inappropriately dressed will be required to adjust this so it complies with the dress code. Warnings will be given to students who fail to follow the dress code. Those that receive a warning will lose the privilege of leaving the school site at lunchtime and further sanctions may apply.