Examination Performance


KEY STAGE 4 2022 2023 2024
Progress 8 Score                                                       0.50 0.28 tbc Oct ’24
Attainment 8 Score  52 46 49
% of pupils achieving 5 or above in English and Maths 56 41 53
% of pupils entered for the Ebacc 74 66 63
Ebacc average point score 4.9 4.3 4.5
The % of pupils staying in education or going into employment after key stage 4
98 100   tbe

In regards to data in from 2020, 2021 and 2022 given the uneven impact of the pandemic on school and college performance data, the government has stated that you should not make direct comparisons between the performance data for one school or college and another, or to data from previous years. Both KS4 and KS5 tables will be updated once official figures have been released. 


Congratulations to our year 13 students who received their A Level and Applied General Results this summer. There were many stand-out performances, including:

  • Ekamjit achieved a phenomenal A* in Maths, A* in Chemistry, A in Physics
  • Baghael achieved an A* in Panjabi, B in EPQ, C in Government and Politics, C in English Literature and will be studying Politics. Philosophy and Economics at Royal Holloway
  • Krish achieved an A in Maths, B in Chemistry, C in Biology
  • Anmolpreet Kaur achieved an A* in Panjabi, Distinction in BTEC Health and Social Care,  C in Psychology and will be studying Child nursing at King’s College  
  • Muskan Sharma achieved B in Biology, B in Maths, B in Chemistry, B in EPQ and will be studying Chemistry at Queen Mary
  • Satnam achieved an A* in Punjabi, Distinction in BTEC Health and Social Care and will be studying Midwifery at King’s College
  • 16-18 English and mathematics progress measure: 0.31
  • Destinations:  We are proud of the 92% of students that secured places at University and 6% of our students are choosing to take gap years before they embark on higher education, we wish them all the best of luck! 

KEY STAGE 5 2020 2021 2022 2023
The progress students have made compared with students across England for A levels 0.74 0.88 n/a -1.00
The progress students have made compared with students across England for applied general and tech level qualifications 0.30 0.24 n/a 0.10
Average A Level grade and point score
C+ B- D D
Average grade for applied general and tech level qualifications and point score M+ D- M+ M
Retention rate in Sixth Form   96 96 97 


You can find our school performance information here

You can find general information about school and college performance here